Washington Packraft Partners

Looking for packraft partners for any type of paddling in Washington State - short easy floats to multiday class III (IV) [willing to travel anywhere for good multi-day trips!).

In season 3-5x’s a week paddler on the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie near North Bend, all sections, including above the Upper. Enjoy hiking to remote put ins, including alpine lakes, as well as easy class I-II floats. Competent to read & lead class III and follow (or scouted) class IV.

New to packrafting but have been paddling whitewater in canoes, kayaks and rafts since the early 90’s.

Active in American Whitewater and APA. Will be at the Roundup with my wife in ID in July.

Hi Justin, My Partner Matt and I are located in Seattle. We both are planning to attend the Roundup too. :slight_smile: I think we have a lot of overlap based on your descriptions. My cell is 206-595-4069, Matt is 918-852-4020 We both have done some SSI clinics/training. We both love multiday trips. Both comfortable in class 3+, and 4’s if scouted or led thru. We sometimes paddle on the WA Kayak Club’s fall/spring weekend trips. Looking forward to connecting with you & your wife~

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