Potentially heading to Tuscany in October of this year. Want to bring the boat. Not finding much on the internet in terms of whitewater? Can anyone give me some info?
Not an expert for that region myself, but I found a German website which seems reasonable to me. I tried a Google translate below. Look on the website for Pics. http://www.ktv-gars.at/kajak/2005.htm&sl=de&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8
"Central Italy
After I was forced to stop on 14.4.1995 to explore the Abruzzi in a blizzard, Hans Metz and I explored some promising streams on the way back. On 20.3.2005, I’m standing here with Chris, Horst and Dietmar Fries, on Metauro, those river south of Rimini, I had once recommended to our Jungpaddlern. The officer was nice in Granacci-described river since then held over again, in such a sewer I had sent my members! The water supply is excellent, the snow melt is in full swing, Dietmar and I are mad on the unknown! So also Christl rises a second time in the “damned river,” but even from far above, although the information in the guide are very diffuse. On a clear, green water, we paddle over Schrägrippen of lime, a phenomenon that will accompany us in the Apennines. After many playful places rushes suddenly behind thick bushes, we are unvermitelt above a 2 m high natural defection. Dietmar one shows us, then he crashes down. Soon we reach the infamous town of Urbania passage. The medieval town literally stuck to the walls of the narrow gorge, which durchpaddeln we have mixed feelings. Unfortunately, the “sewage” correspond to the early Middle Ages. After Total 25 km we reach Fermignano. Now it is the Explore the tributaries of the Metauro to the water supply is optimal, and I found on the Internet some new taxa (Explorer, March). In Cagli, we spend two nights in a nice hotel. In the morning it is only a few miles to the Bosso, the unknown beauty of the brands. A wonderful 9 km long stretch ahead of us, at 5 m3 / s with a picture-Naurslalom a pleasure! Before the next gorge, we visit and booting from them peppered the evening - the “Arzino” Central Italy, with portages tricky, but doable! But we are not as sporty and leave the next day to Candigliano where we can already at the Embarkation source of the river Biscubo. We are literally paddling through the main ridge of the Apennines, to limit white and red cliffs steep banks. After total 8 km of the great breakthrough of Candigliano with the “Marmitti del Diavolo begins,” the devil boilers. The 4-m-high waste, although one could sail, but lurking in the 3 km distance to the absolute result of dividing Gorge Stairway still treacherous places. We end the trip here with a nice picnic in the countryside. De trip takes us through a 900 m high pass into the valley of the Tiber, which regulates wide and flows on. In the evening we reached Assisi and find a wonderful neighborhood with a garden terrace high above the river level. After the obligatory sightseeing we let ourselves be surprised by the Chiascio, also a tip, this time from Canoa club Perugia. The water supply is also very good, unfortunately, something dirty, and the famous places like “hole in the Professore” or “turn out the Zambezi” as a playful Schreze of the local association. In the afternoon we explore the upper reaches) (migrant flow and acquire the most precious olive oil directly from the producer. The next tip is the Corno, which is even advertised by rafting companies www.asgaia.it (). Fed by karst springs he should even be open all year round, what we in the Einbootstelle face but can hardly imagine. At about 2 m3 / s geht es los, a clear Wiesenbach first, but soon followed by the stunning, much too short and easy Gorge Biselli. After forcing us to Recovery, a 500 meter-long fish farms for towing, after all, increasingly a source then, the water supply. Some beautiful cataracts decide the 7 mile drive to a reservoir. We boot first 20 km downriver into the Nera, a popular hiking river in the lovely landscaped Valnerina we Ferentillo 14 km to navigate. Shortly before one of Terni bemerkeswerter feeder feeds the Nera: The Velino, leads with 100 km length is already twice the water of the Nera, flips over a 165 m high waterfall of a plateau in the gorge of the Nera. Unfortunately, the spectacle is kraftwerksbedingt only twice a day to admire, then use the following native Paddle Creek is 500 m for turbulent WW actions. Leads us to the tour to Orvieto, where we are after hours-passes the bottom of the ravine Paglia sail. We almost had the murky low water quenched, but then proves to be the lonely and difficult to be absolutely worthwhile interlocked river (at higher water flow an Umbrian Uttissenbachstrecke!). On Good Friday, leaving us luck with the weather, at least we now reside in the Tuscan Montepulciano. After a crossing of the snow-capped Mount Amiata, we have only the lower reaches of the great Ombrone, a nice walking river without highlights. The interesting headwaters unfortunately already lead to a little water. The more it rains on the way home, but we can not complain about this holiday. Hardly any of our tours is described in the DKV usable foreign leaders, Dietmar will do so. Unfortunately, lack of central Italy level information on the Internet, but you can admire numerous webcams and hope the snow is very lucky to thaw. We were so lucky!"
Good luck,