Touring Ross Lake(North Cascades) in March

Hey all,
I’m thinking about doing a late-Winter multi-day trip on Ross Lake Reservoir sometime in March. I should have most of the month off so dates are pretty flexible. It will probably be a combination of hiking and paddling. There are also some fun looking rapids and drops where Big Beaver and Lightening Creeks enter the lake for anyone into that sort of thing. Anyone interested?

Sounds like an awesome trip; however, due to work obligations I cant make it. Ill be more available this summer. I am a Puget Sound packrafter out of Shoreline, WA and would love to link up for some epic trips. Im into some rapids, and mainly fishing, hunting, crabbing, camping, lake, oceans, and sailing with the packraft. Really looking for some sailing partners if you use and sails such as the Windpaddle with the packrafts or fish with packrafts.

Either way we should keep each other posted on trips we’ve got planned this summer and if you can make it great; if not, stay tuned for the next one. My girlfriend packrafts and sails as well. I also have a good friend in Seattle who runs some big rapids with the boats and we do some trips on the OP together.

-Jon D

Sounds good Jon,
I’ll keep you posted on any future trips. I’m starting to meet some of the other Pacific Northwest pack rafters (via e-mail at least) too, so I’m sure we can make something happen. Feel free to send me an e-mail at as I don’t check the forums as often and then I’ll have your e-mail.

p.s. I’m also into fly-fishing and so far have had luck in my raft at Pass Lake(by Deception Pass) and Hummel Lake(here on Lopez). I have lots of plans for other fishing excursions too including some possible Steelhead action. What/where do you like to fish?