STOLEN - Please Help!! Beware of Online Sales.

I had two alpacka packrafts stolen from my residence in Las Vegas, NV on 1/1/2018 (great way to start the new year huh?)
I would appreciate anyones help… if you come across any packrafts for sale on any online shopping sites (ebay, craigslist etc) please let me know and be aware. Contact me at:
or text to (702) 759-6678

1.) Alpacka Llama (Red) with Cargo Fly - HIN_Number : 0L049L616 (blue stuff sack)
2.) Alpacka Yak (Green) with Whitewater Skirt - HIN Number : 0Y098E515 (orange stuff sack)

Aqua bound carbon shred paddle 4 piece (Black with decals removed)
Werner 4 piece plastic paddle.

NRS throwbag (Yellow)

  • one of the packrafts doesnt have the inflation bag included (since i had it out in a different location)