Packrafting in Siberia

Hi there :slight_smile:
Far far away in snowy Siberia live small but proud packrafters. They do not have as much money for Alpacka, so they develop and use Russian packrafts with bird names Sinitsa (Tit), Ivolga (Oriole) and Kulik (Sandpiper).
I offer to view my films about our travels. More can be seen on my channel. I try to make subtitles to films according to my abilities in English :slight_smile:

Hi i like your story…would be nice to come to Siberia …get in touch…Fernando

I always really enjoy your videos ded-medved. You live in a beautiful place and do some great paddling trips.

Would love to oneday visit Siberia and paddle with your crew.

All the best from Australia!


Pescador1965, mark,
many thanks for the feedback! If you ever get together in Siberia, you really can rely on the help of our team.
I think I could occasionally throw my videos here.

The first Siberian packraft fest. july 2017

Packrafting on the Mana river may 2016 with subtitles

Pykhterek. A train river. June 2016 with subtitles

Snowy river Kacha may 2016

Kazyr. A dream river for packrafting. july 2016

Planning to go to Siberia. This would help a lot.

This video that I shot in the fall. It’s about bikerafting near my city.
A 63-kilometer circular route along the field roads, taiga, through memories to the Tom River. With english sub.

You can write to me if there are any questions.

Do you have any ideas for trips in Siberia? Is there a website local Siberian people are using to post trip details?

Hey :slight_smile:
Not often I come here…
We have a group in where we plan all of our events, as well as discussing the development of packrafting in Russia and Siberia. The last couple of years, many people began to walk with packraft, publish reports and video. But everything is in Russian.

By the way here’s a couple of videos from last season, didn’t post them here.

The Second Siberian Packraft fest