Hey there,
I am an avid fly fisher who really enjoys fishing alpine lakes. For years I have lugged my float tube, waders, fins, and pump up to various lakes. I am looking to make the switch to an alpacka raft and looking for input. I like the ultra lightweight of the scout, but don’t know how comfortable that would be to fly fish out of for several hours at a time. I am wondering if I’d experience a substantially greater amount of comfort any joy carrying a few extra lbs for a larger alpacka raft. I am 5’10.” Any fly fishers or alpine lake fishers out there with input on this?
I use an old explorer 42 without the frame or anything, it’s longer, but still super light, and since it’s only lakes, I don’t worry about the fact that it’s not a big butt stern whitewater boat.
For just fishing, I don’t find that i need any bells or whistles… YMMV