Any suggestions on where to post packrafting trip details and logistics? This site’s Packrafting Trip section is getting pretty unwieldy to search. It’s basically free text, no forms, so a lot of details are missing. Can’t search other than by key word.
Seems like most folks are describing their trips in personal blogs. Would be nice to have something like RiverBrain ( ), Southwest Paddler(, American WhiteWater ( ), etc. to organize packrafting trips into a virtual guide book. Does such a site already exist? In the works? Of the three, RiverBrain does mention packrafting but the primary focus of the site seems to be organized around rivers, yet packrafting trips aren’t always on rivers or include a mix of water ways (sea, river(s), lake(s)) combine with hiking, biking, etc.
Thoughts? Is this something for the APA? An extension of this forum?