Hope to Homer

Bernie and I recently returned from a Hope to Homer bike/rafting trip.
We Started on the Hope cutoff after hitching a ride from Homer and then rode the Resurrection Trail. Once we crossed the road we joined the Hidden Creek trail to Skilak Lake.
I have run the Kenai Canyon many times in the past but decided to forgo it on this trip as we were not carrying PFD’s let alone drysuits. On the lake we joined the rafts together into a tandem with a stripped hemlock sapling.
This technique served us well on the lake where hull speed was more important than maneuverability. Once we joined the Kenai river we separated into single rafts again and had a great trip down to Kenai.
On the open coast we rode every tide and napped during high tide.
Three very distinct chapters made for one great trip.
Would recommend to anyone looking for a cheap bike/rafting adventure.




Yeah, awesome sounding trip.

Could you tell me how many days it took to go from Skilak lake to the inlet. Also were there any rapids that you had to portage around? Thanks in advance!


One long day brought us within spitting distance to the Inlet. There are rapids at Naptown that are very runnable. Just upriver of the rapids there is a boat launch. You can get out there and walk a trail downriver to scout and most of the locals run them with their drift boats and can give advice. It would be a convoluted explanation for me to recount, but if by chance you are uncomfortable running them you can always bike the road around through Sterling. The river comes close to the highway.
The other bit of advice I have is; try to time the end of your paddle down river to the inlet with an ebbing tide. If the tide is flooding you may not be able to paddle against it to the mouth.
All the best.

Here is a slideshow I put together from last summer’s Hope to Homer bikeraft trip.