This is Gerard Anton from Barcelona
Next year in august I want to do this route (well this is a outline). https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zljc4csa4nZQ.kj1JtYhKHAxQ in the sense clockwise.
Im going to buy a CuriYak from alpaka and will have 11 month to train with it.
thanks to @GoBlueHiker for the information!
I have 2 resuplies one at 1/3 in Kangamiut and the other at 2/3 in Sisimiut and retourn through the arctic trail till Kanger
what do you think?
Did you make your trip last summer? Would you share about it? I am planning to hike/paddle the Arctic Circle Trail this summer and am interested in the extended version you’ve laid out on the map. I’d appreciate hearing anything you care to share.
Hi Annet No! I had to change plans and I went to Nepal But Im going this August from 1 to 17. And finally I will trek this trail. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=18dQ7xGJQs4SzSWT24nCiLZyl5bg&ll=60.8207603099829%2C-45.48420238828123&z=9
How did your trip go?