Kinda like a road run, Southeast Style.
Launch your skiff at the state park or Letnikov. Head south a few miles to Glacier Point and the Davidson Glacier. This area hosts a guiding company that offers motor canoe tours. Park your skiff on the sandy beach and give the guides a ring on your VHF, you’re in their home now.
Walk the trail to the put in, it’ll take maybe 20/30 minutes. You can put in where all the Canoes are and run the rapids, 15 minutes worth class II, III depending on flow. It’s glacier and pushes a bit. A couple wave trains and a couple large rock features. It’s kinda like a little Mendenhall.
Paddle to salt water and go pick up your skiff and head home.
Another option would be to walk upriver to the lake and poke around on the glacier. Some people like that sort of thing.