Colorado Front Range Group Paddles & Day Trips

Looking for any like-minded Front Range packrafters interested in group paddles, mostly day runs, but also overnighters. I’ve kayaked for many years, but just recently caught the packraft bug. I’m based in Golden and typically run stuff like Foxton, Waterton, Clear Creek, St. Vrain, Poudre, Blue, Ark, Co, etc.

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Hey Brad - I’m in Denver. Let’s connect - or 303-915-6762

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@BradH I just saw this! I’m down to paddle as well. Just posted a partner request moments ago. Hit me up if you wish.

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@hendo1685. Hi Ryan - sounds good. Nothing planned at the moment, but I’ll reach back out when planning something in the near future. Feel free to do the same: I’m in Golden, but happy to drive to stuff further afield, especially now that we are getting into the second half of the season.

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Hi all - I’m part of a packrafting crew that organizes weekly front range paddles during whitewater season. lmk if you want in. Always fun to add stoked folks to the group.

Yep, I’m always up for some Front Range packrafting! Definitely reach out again in the spring when water starts to come up.


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Count me in as well… Brad, myself and our other friend have been out together a few times together last season. Look forward to spring and meeting new folks.

Happy Holidays!


Just saw this, I’m interested in joining your pack rafting crew for the weekly Front Range paddles. I am in Littleton, and pretty confident in my Gnarwhal running class 2 and 3.
