Aquaseal - which prodcut/type, link


Aquaseal is recommended for floor repairs. As I have a finger size hole in it I need to repair it. I am Germany based and I could not find it yet, starting with difficulties to identify the right type. does list a range of products hard to which one is meant by Alpackas advice.

I am familiar with Seamgrip (have used it for other repairs), but I am not sure if it is totally equallent to aquaseal.

Thanks for any help,


Seamgrip is very similar to Aquaseal and will work great for fixing small holes on the bottom of your boat. Just make sure to clean the surfaces with alcohol and don’t apply to much. Additionally, put some Tyvek or Duct Tape on the opposite side while gluing it.

I would love to hear about packrafting trips in Germany.


Well, then I go with seam grip.

As for Germany as a packrafting destination, well, as we are lacking these “hard to reach headwaters” (everything is pretty much accessible), we are not a classic packrafting goal.

However, we have lots of small creeks and brooks only partly navigable, so these are the things an alpacka is of use here. On the other hand, Germany is situated in the middle of Europe, a good jump of to destinations like Scandinavia, the Balkan, Swamps in Eastern Poland/Belarus, Russia …

So far, I used the packraft as an afternoon/daytrip tool in my backyard: have a 10 km run and getting back paddling. Nice overall experience. This is what packrafting is in general inmy eyes. The paddling characteristic is only a third of the experience.

Thanks for the advise on repairing. In the meanwhile I found out the Aquaseal is traded as Aquasure in Europe.

So long,


I have imagined that packrafts would be great in Europe when combining rivers with trains, busses, and other forms of mass transit that the USA is unfortunately short on. I have heard that folding kayaks are very popular in Europe because they are easily transported via public mass transit.

That would be one purpose of use. Folding Kayaks are indeed popular, but mainly for aircraft transportation. Flying short distance is so cheap in Europe. For destinations within Germany people tend to take a car - and a plastic kayak- as well.

Heading to eastern Europe is a different matter. Public Transport is a fun way to travel. Would make sense here. So long, happy packrafting, Sven