For anybody who’d like to see what the author (me) of the first packrafting book (now down to the last 75 copies) took on his latest and perhaps greatest wilderness trip for gear, food and boat stuff, have a gander at http://packrafting.blogspot.com/2017/07/arctic-alaska-packrafting-gear.html
Of course you may have your own eccentric ways, but may be this could be helpful, or at least good for a laugh?
Awesome, thanks for posting this.
I have your book and it’s been a great resource for me.
Thanks a bunch!
Where did you get the goretex socks with gaskets? I have yet to find those?
Also, here is a great gear resource I’ve used for ultralight backpacking. You can keep everything in a gear closet (so to speak) and add different items for different trips. Some think its overkill to weight everything but I’ve gotten my backpacking base-weight (without food or water) down to 13lbs by judiciously choosing only what I need to bring.
“The Roaming Dials”
I just love the blog name.