Alpacka Rafts... and actual alpackas!

This past weekend my girlfriend, buddy, and I floated twenty-six miles of the Yellowstone River (Point of Rocks to Mallard’s Rest). Along the way I was able to capture a great photo of my girlfriend in an Alpacka raft and a real alpacka that was along the river bank.

See the entire set of photos from the trip here:

That’s excellent!

Best colour Raft too!

I think that the photo’ is crying out for a ‘Caption Competition’.

It’s certainly loaded with irony.

If the alpaca were in the Alpacka, THEN it would be loaded with irony. :mrgreen:

No really, good job. I’d also like to see an alpaca carrying an Alpacka back to the put-in.

Yes, an animal/raft pack trip would be awesome!

How 'bout an actual alpacka, in an Alpacka Alpaca Raft!