Alpacka DrySuit

Has anybody tried the new Alpacka drysuits? Would be interested in feedback.

Did you end up getting one? If so, what’s been your experience?

I spoke with Kokatat this weekend - they said its idea for pack rafting, packs very small, and of course is light. The guy definitely steered me towards this one rather than another one he had on the rack there and could have sold right then. So I am inclined to get Alpacka Stowaway.

Kokatat also said they will change the materials for next year’s model, switching to a bit tougher fabric - he wasn’t clear what this would do to the weight or pack size. If I understood him, he said they will also start selling it under the Kokatat brand. This suggests they are liking it, too.

The Kokatat guy also said that Alpacka now has a second dry suit - a bit more durable and intended for expedition use - but I don’t see on their website.