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he could undertake To say nothing of the many Hermes Bags who enter the profession of teaching for the lime being, hoping soon to find some more agreeable and profitable employment, and those who enter it because it has been found that they are unfit for anything else we are convinced that too many of those who adopt it as a profession, are not awake to the great importance of a thorough preparation for its duties. We cannot here specify particulars, but what we wish to say is, that there hermes kelly is not euough real devoted’ness, there is a great want of this most essential ingredient.
A teacher whose heart is aot wholly ia the work need not expect much good as the reault of kis efforts. To be a successful teacher in the fullest sense, something more than Mere scholarship is necessary. He should feel that the undertaking is so great Hermes Handbags and the result so important, that nothing short of hi entire time and all the ability he can bring to bear, will be sufficient to enable him to discharge its duties properly.
How is it in feet! Of Hermes Outlet the thousands in our State who are engaged in teaching, how many are wanting in the proper qualifications? How many have never read even ten pages of any standard work on hermes birkin the Theory aad Practice of Teaching, or have ever paid one dime for the privilege of reading a well conducted Journal of Education? Our hermes sale eeunty Examiners could probably tell how small the number. Notwithstanding the standard of qualifications has advanced much ia the last few years, are there aot, in almost every county, scores of school keepers who know nothing at all of the writings of Milton, Addison, Gold-.